Basicamente la 8-7mode es la continuacion de la 7.x pero que nos permite crear agregados de 64bit, de mucho mayor tamaño (mas de 16TB, aunque ya trataremos mas adelante los maximos y minimos de DATAONTAP)
Para esta ocasion tenemos ya preparado una maquina virtual con Ubuntu, un DC para poder utilizar el servicio de compartido de ficheros de Windows CIFS y el simulado que nos hemos descargado de la web de NetApp (requiere tener una cuenta valida)
Si quereis descargaros una iso de Ubuntu:
Una vez decargado, lanzamos el scrip para instalarlo. El directorio por defecto es SIM. No os recomiendo bajarla la ram de los 512 para que no vaya demasiado lento. Las opciones entre corchetes vienen predifinidas pero podeis cambiarlas.
root@ubuntu:/home/simulator# ./
Script version 22 (18/Sep/2007)
Where to install to? [/sim]:
Would you like to install as a cluster? [no]:
Would you like full HTML/PDF FilerView documentation to be installed [yes]:
Continue with installation? [no]: yes
Creating /sim
Unpacking sim.tgz to /sim
Configured the simulators mac address to be [00:50:56:3:b4:a0]
Please ensure the simulator is not running.
Your simulator has 3 disk(s). How many more would you like to add? [0]: 7
The following disk types are available in MB:
Real (Usable)
a - 43 ( 14)
b - 62 ( 30)
c - 78 ( 45)
d - 129 ( 90)
e - 535 (450)
f - 1024 (900)
If you are unsure choose the default option a
What disk size would you like to use? [a]: d
Disk adapter to put disks on? [0]:
Use DHCP on first boot? [yes]: no
Ask for floppy boot? [no]:
Checking the default route...
You have a single network interface called eth0 (default route) . You will not be able to access the simulator from this Linux host. If this interface is marked DOWN in ifconfig then your simulator will crash.
Which network interface should the simulator use? [default]:
Another simulator is running. Cannot give good advise about memory.
How much memory would you like the simulator to use? [512]:
Create a new log for each session? [no]:
Overwrite the single log each time? [yes]:
Adding 7 additional disk(s).
Complete. Run /sim/ to start the simulator.
Una vez instalado, podemos ir al directorio SIM y lanzar el script
root@ubuntu:/sim# ./
Script version 22 (18/Sep/2007)
Loading defaults. Run with -i option to ignore defaults
Please ensure the simulator is not running.
Your simulator has 10 disk(s). How many more would you like to add? [0]: ^Z
[1]+ Detenido ./
root@ubuntu:/sim# ./ script version Script version 22 (18/Sep/2007)
This session is logged in /sim/sessionlogs/log
NetApp Release 7.3.4: Thu May 27 15:43:26 PDT 2010
Copyright (c) 1992-2010 NetApp.
Starting boot on Sun Mar 6 21:31:26 GMT 2011
Sun Mar 6 21:32:12 GMT []: Failed to initialize acceleration card (model name X1938A-R5, serial number 5012345670, part number virgo-simulator) in slot 1.
Sun Mar 6 21:32:12 GMT [fmm.domain.card.failure:error]: PAM II in slot 1 (model name X1938A-R5, serial number 5012345670, part number virgo-simulator): Flash device failed and needs to be updated or repaired or replaced.
Sun Mar 6 21:32:17 GMT [fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk v4.16 is a local HA mailbox disk.
Sun Mar 6 21:32:17 GMT [fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk v4.17 is a local HA mailbox disk.
Sun Mar 6 21:32:17 GMT [fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on local side.
Sun Mar 6 21:32:18 GMT [raid.cksum.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 checksum blocks.
Sun Mar 6 21:32:18 GMT [raid.stripe.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 stripes.
sparse volume upgrade done. num vol 0.
Vdisk Snap Table for host:0 is initialized
Sun Mar 6 21:32:20 GMT [vol.language.unspecified:info]: Language not set on volume vol0. Using language config "C". Use vol lang to set language.
Sun Mar 6 21:32:20 GMT [rc:notice]: The system was down for 19700535 seconds
Sun Mar 6 21:32:21 GMT [useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The role 'compliance' has been added.
Sun Mar 6 21:32:21 GMT [useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The group 'Backup Operators' has been modified.
/etc/rc is missing. Running configuration dialog.
NetApp Release 7.3.4: Thu May 27 15:43:26 PDT 2010
System ID: 0099929383 ()
System Serial Number: 987654-32-0 ()
System Storage Configuration: Multi-Path
System ACP Connectivity: NA
Model Name: Simulator
Processors: 1
slot 0: NetApp Virtual SCSI Host Adapter v0
10 Disks: 1.2GB
1 shelf with LRC
slot 1: NetApp Virtual SCSI Host Adapter v1
slot 2: NetApp Virtual SCSI Host Adapter v2
slot 3: NetApp Virtual SCSI Host Adapter v3
slot 4: NetApp Virtual SCSI Host Adapter v4
10 Disks: 1.2GB
1 shelf with LRC
slot 5: NetApp Virtual SCSI Host Adapter v5
slot 6: NetApp Virtual SCSI Host Adapter v6
slot 7: NetApp Virtual SCSI Host Adapter v7
slot 8: NetApp Virtual SCSI Host Adapter v8
4 Tapes: VT-100MB
Please enter the new hostname []: Sun Mar 6 21:32:28 GMT [shelf.config.multipath:info]: All attached storage on the system is multi-pathed.
Invalid hostname.
A valid hostname consists of alphanumeric characters [a-zA-Z0-9]
and dash [-].
Please enter the new hostname []: netapp1
Do you want to enable IPv6? [n]:
Do you want to configure virtual network interfaces? [n]: y
Number of virtual interfaces to configure? [0] 1
Name of virtual interface #1 []: vif1
Is vif1 a single [s], multi [m] or a lacp [l] virtual interface? [m] s
Number of links for vif1? [0] 2
Name of link #1 for vif1 []: ns0
Name of link #2 for vif1 []: ns1
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface vif1 []:
Please enter the netmask for Network Interface vif1 []:
Please enter media type for vif1 {100tx-fd, auto} [auto]:
Would you like to continue setup through the web interface? [n]:
Please enter the name or IP address of the IPv4 default gateway:
The administration host is given root access to the filer's
/etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root access
to all NFS clients enter RETURN below.
Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host:
Please enter timezone [GMT]:
Where is the filer located? []: virtualshocks-cpd
What language will be used for multi-protocol files (Type ? for list)?:C
Setting language on volume vol0
The new language mappings will be available after reboot
Language set on volume vol0
Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]: Sun Mar 6 21:33:32 GMT [vol.language.changed:info]: Language on volume vol0 changed to C
Please enter DNS domain name []: virtualshocks.local
You may enter up to 3 nameservers
Please enter the IP address for first nameserver []:
Do you want another nameserver? [n]:
Do you want to run NIS client? [n]:
The Shelf Alternate Control Path Management process provides the ability
to recover from certain SAS shelf module failures and provides a level of
availability that is higher than systems not using the Alternate Control
Path Management process.
Do you want to configure the Shelf Alternate Control Path Management interface for SAS shelves [n]:
Setting the administrative (root) password for netapp1 ...
New password:
Retype new password:
Sun Mar 6 21:34:02 GMT [passwd.changed:info]: passwd for user 'root' changed.
Sun Mar 6 21:34:03 GMT [dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk drives
Sun Mar 6 21:34:03 GMT [sfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk shelves.
Sun Mar 6 21:34:03 GMT [tapemc.alias.addOK:info]: Alias st0 automatically added for tape device WWN[0:042:424200:000000].
Sun Mar 6 21:34:03 GMT [tapemc.alias.addOK:info]: Alias st1 automatically added for tape device WWN[0:142:424200:000000].
Sun Mar 6 21:34:03 GMT [tapemc.alias.addOK:info]: Alias st2 automatically added for tape device WWN[0:242:424200:000000].
Sun Mar 6 21:34:03 GMT [tapemc.alias.addOK:info]: Alias st3 automatically added for tape device WWN[0:342:424200:000000].
Sun Mar 6 21:34:03 GMT [netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet ns0: Link up.
Sun Mar 6 21:34:03 GMT [netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet ns1: Link up.
Sun Mar 6 21:34:03 GMT [perf.archive.start:info]: Performance archiver started. Sampling 22 objects and 195 counters.
Sun Mar 6 21:34:04 GMT [pvif.switchLink:warning]: vif1: switching to ns1
add net default: gateway
There are 7 spare disks; you may want to use the vol or aggr command
to create new volumes or aggregates or add disks to the existing aggregate.
Sun Mar 6 21:34:06 GMT [rc:info]: Registry is being upgraded to improve storing of local changes.
Sun Mar 6 21:34:06 GMT [rc:info]: Registry upgrade successful.
Sun Mar 6 21:34:07 GMT [mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release 7.3.4 boot complete. Last disk update written at Wed Jul 21 21:10:04 GMT 2010
Sun Mar 6 21:34:07 GMT [mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted after a halt command.
This process will enable CIFS access to the filer from a Windows(R) system.
Use "?" for help at any prompt and Ctrl-C to exit without committing changes.
Your filer does not have WINS configured and is visible only to
clients on the same subnet.
Do you want to make the system visible via WINS? [n]:
A filer can be configured for multiprotocol access, or as an NTFS-only
filer. Since multiple protocols are currently licensed on this filer,
we recommend that you configure this filer as a multiprotocol filer
(1) Multiprotocol filer
(2) NTFS-only filer
Selection (1-2)? [1]: 1
CIFS requires local /etc/passwd and /etc/group files and default files
will be created. The default passwd file contains entries for 'root',
'pcuser', and 'nobody'.
Enter the password for the root user []:
Retype the password:
The default name for this CIFS server is 'NETAPP1'.
Would you like to change this name? [n]:
Data ONTAP CIFS services support four styles of user authentication.
Choose the one from the list below that best suits your situation.
(1) Active Directory domain authentication (Active Directory domains only)
(2) Windows NT 4 domain authentication (Windows NT or Active Directory domains)
(3) Windows Workgroup authentication using the filer's local user accounts
(4) /etc/passwd and/or NIS/LDAP authentication
Selection (1-4)? [1]: 1
What is the name of the Active Directory domain? [virtualshocks.local]:
In Active Directory-based domains, it is essential that the filer's
time match the domain's internal time so that the Kerberos-based
authentication system works correctly. If the time difference between
the filer and the domain controllers is more than 5 minutes,
authentication will fail. Time services are currently not configured
on this filer.
Would you like to configure time services? [y]:
CIFS Setup will configure basic time services. To continue, you must
specify one or more time servers. Specify values as a comma or space
separated list of server names or IPv4 addresses. In Active
Directory-based domains, you can also specify the fully qualified
domain name of the domain being joined (for example:
"VIRTUALSHOCKS.LOCAL"), and time services will use those domain
controllers as time servers.
Enter the time server host(s) and/or address(es) [VIRTUALSHOCKS.LOCAL]:
Would you like to specify additional time servers? [n]:
Sun Mar 6 21:35:18 GMT [rc:ALERT]: timed: time daemon started
In order to create an Active Directory machine account for the filer,
you must supply the name and password of a Windows account with
sufficient privileges to add computers to the VIRTUALSHOCKS.LOCAL
Enter the name of the Windows user [Administrator@VIRTUALSHOCKS.LOCAL]: Administrador@virtualshocks.local
Password for Administrador@virtualshocks.local:
CIFS - Logged in as Administrador@virtualshocks.local.
An account that matches the name 'NETAPP1' already exists in Active
Directory: 'cn=netapp1,cn=computers,dc=virtualshocks,dc=local'. This
is normal if you are re-running CIFS Setup. You may continue by using
this account or changing the name of this CIFS server.
Do you want to re-use this machine account? [y]: y
Sun Mar 6 21:35:44 GMT [passwd.changed:info]: passwd for user 'root' changed.
CIFS - Starting SMB protocol...
It is highly recommended that you create the local administrator
account (NETAPP1\administrator) for this filer. This account allows
access to CIFS from Windows when domain controllers are not
Do you want to create the NETAPP1\administrator account? [y]:
Enter the new password for NETAPP1\administrator:
Retype the password:
Currently the user "NETAPP1\administrator" and members of the group
"VIRTUALSHOCKS\Admins. del dominio" have permission to administer CIFS
on this filer. You may specify an additional user or group to be added
to the filer's "BUILTIN\Administrators" group, thus giving them
administrative privileges as well.
Would you like to specify a user or group that can administer CIFS? [n]:
Welcome to the VIRTUALSHOCKS.LOCAL (VIRTUALSHOCKS) Active Directory(R) domain.
CIFS local server is running.
Data ONTAP (netapp1.virtualshocks.local)
login: root
netapp1> Sun Mar 6 21:36:08 GMT [console_login_mgr:info]: root logged in from console
netapp1> version
NetApp Release 7.3.4: Thu May 27 15:43:26 PDT 2010
Ya tenemos el simulador instalado. Podemos acceder a el desde la propia maquina virtual por una sesion de terminal pero si queremos acceder por http para su administracion debemos hacerlo desde fuera de la mv (una de las limitaciones del simulador) con la ip o el fqdn: http://ip. Veremos un pequeños error pero nos da el link directo si no queremos lanzar directamente la sesion http://ip_o_fqdn/na_admin
Si queremos apagar el simulador lanzamos un halt desde la linea de comandos y para arrancarlo lanzamos un ./ desde la carpeat de instalacion SIM (root@ubuntu:/sim#./
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