11 julio 2010

Que es servermanagercmd ? (ServerManagerCmd.exe command?)

Es una utilidad de linea de comandos para automatizar instalaciones, crear o eliminar roles, servicios y caracteristicas en general de Windows, muy util para instalar funciones en Windows 2008 server o Windows 7 especialmente. Tambien nos puede mostrar roles instalados, caracteristicas y servicios.

Lista de parametros:
-query:  Display a list of all roles, role services, and features available, and shows which are installed on this computer. (Short form: -q)

-inputPath: installs or removes the roles, role services, and features specified in an XML answer file, the path and name of which is represent by . (ShortForm: -ip)

-install: Installs the role, role service, or feature on the computer that is specified by the parameter. Multiple roles, role services or features must be separated by spaces. (ShortForm: -i)

-setting: Used with the -install parameter to specify required settings for the installation. (Short form: -s)

-allSubFeatures: Used with the -install parameter to install all subordinate role services and features along with the role, role service, or feature named with the -install parameter. (Short form: -a)

-remove : Removes the role, role service, or feature from the computer that is specified by the parameter. Multiple roles, role services or features must be separated by spaces. (ShortForm: -r)

-resultPath: Saves the result of the ServerManagerCmd.exe operation to a file, in XML format. (Short form: -rp)

-restart: Restarts the computer automatically, if restarting is necessary to complete the operation.

-whatIf:  Display the operations to be performed on the current computer that are specified in the answer.xml file. (Short form: -w)

-logPath: Specify the non-default location for the log file. (Short form: -l)

-help: Display help information. (Short form: -?)

-version: Display the version of the Server Manager command that is running, Microsoft trademark information, and the operating system. (Short form: -v)

>Instalar el rol de IIS (Web Service) sin fichero de respuesta (XML)
ServerManagerCmd.exe -install Web-Server -allSubFeatures -resultPath C:\Admin\WebServer.xml -restart

La mejor manera de utilizar estos comandos es con scripts, si quereis profundizar en este campo os recomiendo agregar a vuestros favoritos el siguiente enlace "Centro de scripts" :

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