25 septiembre 2013

Understanding networks in vCloud Director - Part 1/2

To easily use the program, you must have clear concepts of network types that we have in vCloud Director.

We have basically three types:

External Network: a portgroup on a switch (distributed, standard or Nexus). It is the vlan and ip segment (public or private) allocated physically

Organization Network: created automatically when create the Provider VDC, it´s only for organization use and could be one of three types:
1-direct connected to an external network
2-routed connected with a vShield Edge wich have two ip´s: one on the External Network side and one on the Organization Network to share the traffic between the vApp and the External Network
3-no connected to external network

vApp network: this network is created automatically when the vApp is created. The two functions are:
-No connected to Organization Network
-Routed connected to Organization Network

....On next post Part-1/2 will review more concepts like Fencing, Isolating or Routed networks.

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