01 junio 2010

Como utilizar el editor de redes virtuales en VMware Workstation

Os dejo aqui un interesante video sobre como utilizar el editor de redes virtuales en VMware Workstation (How to use the Virtual Network Editor in VMware Workstation ) ...explicado en menos de 5 minutos.


O explicado paso a paso, articulo oficial VMware KB 1018697:
To modify existing virtual network adapters:
1.Power on the virtual machine.
2.Choose the virtual machine.
3.Click VM > Settings.
4.On the Hardware tab, click on the adapter you need to modify.
5.Select the network type to use.
•Bridge mode – connects directly to the physical network
•NAT – shares the host’s IP address
•Host Only – a private network shared with the host
•Custom – specific virtual network

Note: Although VMnet0, VMnet1 and VMnet8 are technically available in this menu, they are usually used for bridged, host-only, and NAT configurations, respectively.

6.Click OK.

To add a network adapter:
1.Click VM > Settings > Add.
2.In the Add Hardware Wizard, click a network adapter and click Next.
3.Configure the network adapter in the various modes and configure its status.
4.Click Finish.
5.Click OK.

To add or remove a host network adapter from the list of included adapters:
1.Click Edit > Virtual Network Editor.
2.Select Connect a host virtual adapter to this network.
3.Click Apply.

To Change DHCP Settings:
1.Click Edit > Virtual Network Editor and select the virtual network adapter.
2.Select Use local DHCP service to distribute IP address to VMs and click DHCP settings.
3.Modify the third number in the IP address. For example, 192.168.x.0 or 198.16.x.0. In general, do not change the subnet mask. Certain virtual network services might not work as well with a customized subnet mask.
4.Click Apply.

To Configure NAT:
1.Click Edit > Virtual Network Editor.
2.Select VMnet8 and click NAT settings.
3.Enter the Gateway IP and click Add.
4.Select a host port, virtual machine IP address, and virtual machine port, and click OK.
5.Configure your DNS settings.

The NAT device is a DNS proxy and forwards DNS requests from the virtual machines to a DNS server that the host knows. Responses return to the NAT device, which then forwards them to the virtual machines.

6.Configure your NetBios settings and click OK. (Windows hosts only)
7.Click Apply.

2 comentarios:

  1. Pablo
    Pienso que tu lo haces con buena intención.Pero para entender correctamente hay que saber hablar bien el Ingles.
    Pero si tu dominas como usar el Editor de Redes Virtuales porque no te animas a hacer un video explicativo en nuestro idioma? Esa sí sería una verdadera ayuda amigo!
    Felíz día

  2. Pablo
    Pienso que tu lo haces con buena intención.Pero para entender correctamente hay que saber hablar bien el Ingles.
    Pero si tu dominas como usar el Editor de Redes Virtuales porque no te animas a hacer un video explicativo en nuestro idioma? Esa sí sería una verdadera ayuda amigo!
    Felíz día
